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If you’re looking for quality Physical Therapy for Athletes, then Engage Movement Physio + Performance is the Physical Therapy Clinic for you. Our professional team is here to guide our patients through a process that is unlike traditional Physical Therapy. Contact us and schedule an appointment to experience firsthand how our system will get you back to your athletic goals!


At Engage Movement Physio + Performance, we believe a solid base of athletic fitness is best built on a body that meets the demands of a given sport. We offer movement screens for individual athletes as well as gyms looking to increase membership retention by identifying risk factors that may cause compensatory patterns which could lead to injury.


Don't need Physical Therapy but want to move better? At Engage Movement Physio + Performance, our staff has extensive knowledge in the realm of movements popular in CrossFit, powerlifting, and Olympic Lifting. We often provide hands on coaching to athletes who are having trouble with a specific movement in the gym that they haven't been able to perform. Instead on blindly throwing mobility drills you've found on the internet, increase your athletic potential with a 1 on 1 session to identify the problem and create a game plan to solve it!

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